Exploring Texas's Mountain Lion Population


Size, Characteristics, Habit, & More For The Mountain Lion


Large cats, typically measuring 5 to 9 feet in length from nose to tail tip.

Social characteristics

Solitary animals that usually avoid humans but can defend themselves if threatened

Adaptions for hunting

Their retractable claws are razor-sharp and are essential for catching and holding onto prey.

Scientific Name

Puma concolor


Scent-marking their territories with urine or feces and vocalizing with screams or purrs

Adaptations for hunting

Primarily nocturnal hunters, relying on stealth and ambush techniques to capture prey

Habitat Found in the Trans-Pecos region, the south Texas brushlands, and some parts of the Hill Country



Prefer habitats with cover, such as areas with dense foliage, rocky outcrops, and rugged terrain

Preferred habitat

Adaptable to various types of environments, including forests, shrublands, deserts, and mountainous regions

Preferred habitat

Require a mix of vegetation cover for hunting and hiding, as well as suitable prey populations


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