Discover Texas’s Western Diamondback Rattlesnake


Let’s uncover the habitat, physical characteristics, and more behind Texas’s most feared snake!


Arid desert and semi-desert regions; can also inhabit grasslands and wooded areas in Texas

Physical Characteristics

Heavy-bodied snake with a triangular-shaped head; light-colored with diamond-shaped spots


Found at the end of its tail, composed of loose interlocking hollow segments


Nocturnal hunter, ambushes prey along trails or attacks in burrows; rattles when threatened

Venom Composition

Contains hemotoxins and neurotoxins, causing severe pain, swelling, and tissue damage

Venomous Bite Effects

Symptoms include burning pain, swelling, fang marks, nausea, vomiting, and excessive bleeding

Medical Treatment Requires immediate medical attention; antivenom medications, keeping affected area still


Identification Tips

Large triangular head, dark diagonal lines on each side, diamond-shaped spots, and rattling tail

Conservation Efforts

Initiatives to protect the species and promote coexistence with humans

Conservation efforts are necessary to protect its habitat and ensure the species thrives for generations. Responsible coexistence with wildlife is crucial for maintaining Texas's biodiversity and promoting safe interactions with these essential creatures


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