By Josie  August 17th, 2023

Baboon Troop Attacks Leopard

A baboon troop reverses the prey and predator roles when they attack a leopard with high hopes of a baboon-snack.

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This video of a baboon troop that attacks a leopard reminds us that it’s not always the biggest roar that takes the cake!

A vast troop of baboons brings traffic to a standstill, lounging and ambling carelessly on the roadway.

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The Attack

The Attack

The leopard probably sees a sea of snacks before him and launches himself toward an unsuspecting baboon.

Baboon Vs. Leopard

With fearless determination, the baboons rally together, confronting the leopard head-on to save their fellow primate.

Strength In Numbers

Their defense thwarted the leopard’s attack and also underscored the bonds of community within the animal kingdom.

Survival often hinges on the fittest, but collective resilience and cooperation can be a species’ most potent weapon against threats.

Baboon societies are intricate structures defined by a clear pecking order. Yet another indication of their intelligence.


At the helm, dominant male baboons lead, their positions asserted through displays of strength, vocalizations, and occasionally, skirmishes.


Female baboons inherit their social rank from their mothers, leading to well-defined family lines with longstanding statuses.

Relationships within the troop are maintained through grooming, a pivotal social activity that fosters bonds and eases tensions.

How Relationships Are Maintained

Yellow Wavy Line
Yellow Wavy Line

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