A Seal Appearing in a Suburban Neighborhood

Why do seals are occasionally venture far beyond their usual habitats?

Seals belong to the group Pinnipeds, meaning “fin-footed” in Latin, which is a group of semiaquatic marine mammals characterized by their streamlined bodies and powerful flippers.

Understanding Seals

Seals inhabit many ecosystems worldwide, from the frigid Arctic and Antarctic regions to temperate and tropical coastal areas. There are many species including harbor seal, gray seal, and elephant seal.

Species and Habitats

Seals are carnivorous and primarily feed on fish and invertebrates. Seal pups are born with a soft, fluffy coat called lanugo, which is eventually replaced with adult fur.

They have an annual breeding cycle, with females giving birth to their pups on land or ice.

Seal pups are born with a soft, fluffy coat called lanugo, which is eventually replaced with adult fur.

Seeing a seal in a suburban neighborhood may seem extraordinary, but it is not uncommon.

There have been numerous reports of seals venturing far from their natural habitats and appearing in unexpected places.

One such instance occurred in a suburban area of California, where  residents were astonished to find a harbor seal basking in the sun on a  neighborhood street.

Similarly, in an East Coast community, a seal was spotted exploring a local creek, much to the surprise of onlookers.

Seals may occasionally lose their way and find themselves in unfamiliar territory, including suburban neighborhoods.

There is still more to learn about these incredible creatures!

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