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Rescued Baby Lion with Legs Broken to Pose for Tourist Selfies Makes a Miraculous Recovery

Simba the Russian lion found injured
Simba's pitiful condition. Source: YouTube, Channel: Cats and Kittens

The story of Simba, a little baby lion cub, is a stark reminder of why we need to speak up for animals exploited for entertainment. Simba’s story unfolded in 2020 when as a tiny cub, rescuers found him in a basement in Russia. The poor little lion was malnourished, legs broken and suffered from spinal injuries. The shocking act of cruelty was inflicted on the baby lion by individuals who used him as a photo prop posing with tourists on Russian beaches. Thankfully, Simba’s story ended in a dramatic rescue resulting in a miracle recovery for the baby lion.

Simba’s Heartbreaking Ordeal

Simba, rescued lion cub
An injured and pitiful Simba. Source: YouTube, Channel: News 9

Simba’s nightmare began when he was stolen from his mother; the lion cub was barely a few weeks old. As Simba grew, his tormentors began inflicting injuries on him to ensure he remained immobile and not a threat. He was used for posing with photographs on a Russian beach in Sochi, often going without food.

Injuries Inflicted on the Baby Lion

Simba, injured baby lion
Simba found lying injured and immobile. Source: YouTube, Channel: Cats and Kittens

Simba’s legs were broken to prevent him from escaping. His health rapidly declined as he endured torture and beatings, resulting in severe spinal injuries that left him in a near-fatal condition.

A Glimmer of Hope

Dr. Karen Dallakayan
Dr. Karen Dallakayan. Source: YouTube, Channel: euronews

While little Simba might have given up hope, fate had more in store for him. Simba’s plight was brought to the notice of Specialist Russian vet Karen Dallakyan, who is famous for his animal rescues in the country.

An Ambitious Rescue

Simba the injured Russian lion rescued
Simba is rescued. Source: YouTube, Channel: Cats and Kittens

After hearing about Simba, Dallakyan launched an ambitious rescue for the lion cub. Leading the rescue team was animal rescuer Yuli Ageeva, who found Simba in a cold, dirty barn in Dagestan, starving and barely able to move.

Simba’s Condition

Simba the Russian lion found injured
Simba’s pitiful condition. Source: YouTube, Channel: Cats and Kittens

Distressing videos and images soon exploded all over the internet, showing Simba’s condition before and after life-saving surgery. Emaciated and in pain, Simba struggled to clean himself, holding his deformed legs off the ground. Rescuer Yulia Ageeva led the mission to save him, describing his ordeal as “a real hell,” with Simba suffering from pressure sores, intestinal obstructions, and muscle wastage.

A Heroic Effort

Dr Dallakayan with Simba
Dr Dallakayan with Simba. Source: YouTube, Channel: euronews

Specialist vet Karen Dallakyan, who flew Simba to safety, stated the cub had endured “an ocean of pain from humans.” He explained how photographers often break animals‘ bones to prevent them from escaping during tourist photo sessions. Despite his suffering, Simba’s spirit remained resilient.

Simba’s Miraculous Recovery

Simba in sanctuary
Simba safe in Dr.Dallakayan’s sanctuary. Source: YouTube, Channel: euronews

Simba was flown to a facility in Chelyabinsk where he was operated upon. Post-surgery, Simba slowly learned to walk again with gentle guidance. At first, he stumbled, but soon managed a gentle trot.

He Loved Cuddly Toys

Simba the injured Russian lion playing
Simba loved cuddly toys. Source: YouTube, Channel: euronews

Within a few months, Simba’s health improved significantly and so did his temperament. He loved cuddly toys and was often seen playing with Doctor Dallakyan or snuggling his favorite teddy bear. He was finally on the road to recovery.

Simba, A Miracle.

Simba the Russian lion cub rescued
Simba loved playing with Dr. Dallakyan. Source: YouTube, Channel: Cats and Kittens

Simba’s fantastic recovery was described as a “miracle” by Dallakyan, emphasizing the cub’s incredible journey from a life of cruelty to one of care and recovery. Dallakyan shared heartwarming photographs of Simba, now a beautiful grown lion with a flowing, handsome mane.

A Beautiful and Healthy Lion Cub

Simba the injured Russian lion recovers
Simba on road to recovery. Source: YouTube, Channel: Cats and Kittens

Simba turned out to be a playful and adorable lion cub. His journey from a scared, injured cub to a happy, healthy lion is inspiring. His story highlights the resilience of animals when given a chance to heal.

Permanent Scars and Ongoing Investigation

Simba with rescuers
Simba with his saviors. Source: YouTube, Channel: Paws Nation

Although Simba’s life was saved, he was left with permanent deformities. A furious Dallakyan then wrote to Russian President Vladimir Putin asking why no action had been taken against the perpetrators. President Putin responded promptly, initiating a criminal investigation, which presumably led to the arrest of Simba’s abusers.

Global Animal Cruelty

lion in cage at zoo
Caged lion- Image by Hatem Moushir Via Pixels

Simba’s story is a stark reminder of the cruelty animals face worldwide. Many animals are exploited for human gain, enduring unimaginable suffering. It’s crucial to raise awareness and advocate for their protection.

The Importance of Speaking Up

Simba injured lion examination
Simba being examined by vets. Source: YouTube, Channel: Cats and Kittens

When you see an animal in distress, speaking up is essential. Reporting cruelty can save lives, just like Simba’s. Every action counts in the fight against animal abuse.

The Role of Rescuers

Simba in a playful mood
Simba in a playful mood. Source: YouTube, Channel: euronews

Rescuers like Karen Dallakyan play a vital role in saving animals. Their dedication and compassion make a significant difference. They provide a second chance for animals like Simba.

Advocating for Animal Rights

Lion in cage
A captive lion. Image by Zakob337 via Depositphotos

Simba’s story underscores the need for stronger animal rights laws. Advocacy and public awareness are crucial to preventing such cruelty. Every voice raised against animal abuse brings us closer to a safer world for animals.

The Facts Are Frightening.

sleeping lions in small cage
Sleeping lion in a cage. Image by Zloyel via Depositphotos

According to reports, almost 8000  lions in South Africa are exploited for hunting, entertainment, and traditional medicine. They remain languishing in so-called sanctuaries only to be used as wildlife entertainment, as props for selfies or as part of petting interactions.

Rescuers in Action

Lion cub rescued in Lebanon
Lion cub rescued in Lebanon. Source: YouTube, Channel: AlArabiya

While the exploitation of these magnificent animals is a matter of concern, animal rescuers have been active in successfully rescuing lions from the clutches of people like those who captured Simba. Only recently, in March 2024, a four-month-old lion cub named Pi was rescued from an illegal pet owner in Lebanon. Pi was shifted to his forever home, a safe and genuine sanctuary in South Africa, after alarming videos appeared on social media showing the cub being exploited for selfies and petting on the streets of Lebanon.

Lion Captive Breeding to Be Banned in Africa

captive lion cubs
Young lions in a cage. Image by Andov via Depositphotos

Supporting the call to end captive breeding, the South African government announced in a press conference in Cape Town on April 2024 that the country will end the captive breeding of lions, including animals used for trophy hunting and bones in traditional Chinese medicine. The ban gives breeders and lion farm owners two years to voluntarily change their business model before it comes into effect.

The Power of Compassion

Simba in sanctuary
Simba cared for in sanctuary. Source: YouTube, Channel: euronews

The compassion shown by Simba’s rescuers changed his life. It serves as a powerful reminder of the impact kindness can have. We can create a better world for all living beings by showing empathy and acting.


Simba the lion rescued in Russia
Simba, a beautiful grown lion. Source: YouTube, Channel: Cats and Kittens

Simba’s story inspires us, reminding us of the power of compassion and the impact we can have by showing empathy and kindness to animals. His story is a powerful reminder of the cruelty countless animals face worldwide, exploited for human gain and entertainment.

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