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Pit Bull Insists Grandma Hugs Him Before Her New Grandson

pit bull insists on hugs
Image by @tazandbones

The touching and sometimes comical dynamics of pets and their families can teach us a lot about love, jealousy, and the importance of human-animal connections.

Looking Further

pit bull
Image by @tazandbones

In this story of dog love, Taz, the endearing Pit Bull, demands to be loved before his new baby brother is shown any affection. Come along on this adventure as we examine the intriguing social behavior of pit bulls and learn how giving your furry friends a hug can greatly enhance your mental well-being.

Special Bonds

pit bull
Image by @tazandbones

Taz’s special bond with his grandmother is undeniable. He gets jealous when she does anything with bones, and it’s almost as if he’s saying, “That’s my human!”

The Jealousy of Taz

pit bull
Image by @tazandbones

Taz’s jealousy shows his strong desire to be close to those he loves. Evidently even if it means competing for their attention. He insists on hugs, kisses, and pets before anyone else can take the spotlight.

Side Note

pit bull
Image by @tazandbones

Fascinating Fact: Dogs have complicated emotions that frequently resemble human feelings. Even ones like jealousy and possessiveness, particularly when it comes to their preferred humans.

Welcoming the New Baby Brother

pit bull
Image by @tazandbones

Everyone in Taz’s family, including the dogs, had to adjust to the new baby, Ethan, in their lives. At first, Taz appeared uncertain and aloof, but Bones assumed the role of the watchful older brother, lying close to the infant.

On The Flip Side

pit bull
Image by @tazandbones

Taz, on the other hand, was determined to maintain his status as the baby of the family and was not too thrilled about being dethroned.

Fun Fact

pit bull
Image by @tazandbones

Dogs often exhibit curiosity and protectiveness when a new baby arrives in the family, just like Bones did with baby Ethan. Their instincts can be similar to a mothers.

The Importance of Love and Attention

pit bull
Image by @tazandbones

The interactions between Taz, Bones and baby Ethan show that dogs, especially pit bulls, have an incredible capacity for love and affection. Each member of this family receives their own share of love and attention. It’s evident that there’s more than enough love to go around.

Pit Bulls and Their Loving Social Behavior

pit bull
Image by @tazandbones

Pit bulls are often misunderstood and mischaracterized. They can exhibit extraordinary loyalty and a affectionate nature. Taz is a prime example of this. He can’t stand being apart from his family members, especially his brother, and his immense FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) is just the beginning of his loving social behavior.

Extra Info

pit bull
Image by @tazandbones

Pit bulls, despite their reputation, were historically bred to be affectionate companions for families, and many pit bulls are known for their love of being close to their humans.

Hugging Your Dog and Mental Health

pit bull
Image by @tazandbones

Evidently giving your dog a hug is not only a sweet way to show your love, but it can also have a big positive impact on your mental health. According to studies, physical interactions with pets, such as cuddles and pats, cause the “love hormone” oxytocin to be released.

The “Love Hormone”

pit bull
Image by @tazandbones

Generally this hormone promotes feelings of happiness and reduces stress and anxiety. So, when Taz insists on his hugs and kisses, it’s not just for his benefit. It is also for his humans’ well-being too.

Something To Note

pit bull
Image by @tazandbones

Interesting Fact: The simple act of hugging your dog can increase your overall sense of happiness. As well as reduce feelings of loneliness and depression.

The Video

YouTube video
Pittie Insists Grandma Hugs Him Before Her New Grandson, Source: The Dodo, Youtube

Wrapping Up with Pit Bull Insists Grandma Hugs Him Before

pit bull
Image by @tazandbones

Taz, the lovable Pit Bull, reminds us that pets, especially pit bulls, are incredible sources of love and joy. Moreover their unique social behavior and the strong bonds they form with their families can teach us valuable lessons. Especially, lessons about love and jealousy.

The Conclusion

pit bull
Image by @tazandbones

Thus keep in mind that it’s not all about your dog the next time they demand a hug or more attention. It also has a positive effect on your mental well-being. Ultimately, the bond of love that exists between people and their animal friends is one that should be honored.

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