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Drama at Delhi Zoo: Guard Halts Hippo Escape

Giant Hippo Escaping the Zoo
Image by Paws Channel via YouTube

Like in the animated film ‘Madagascar,’ this article takes us through the amazing world of zoos. Let’s watch this real-life story of a security guard preventing a hippo from escaping the Delhi Zoo.

The Master Plan

Image by Animals Around The Globe via YouTube

In this viral video that has taken the internet by storm, we witness a thrilling incident at the Delhi Zoo as a hippo manages to escape its enclosure.

Delhi Zoo

delhi zoo
Delhi Zoo, National Zoological Park Delhi. Sanskari at English Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Delhi Zoo, officially known as the National Zoological Park, is a prominent attraction located in the heart of New Delhi, India. It is situated near the Old Fort (Purana Qila) in the center of New Delhi, making it easily accessible for both locals and tourists.

Key Species at Delhi Zoo

Hippo in Delhi Zoological Park. IndiaNaved224, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons
  • Mammals: Royal Bengal tiger, Asiatic lion, Indian rhinoceros, hippopotamus, leopard, elephant, and various species of deer and antelope.
  • Birds: Peafowl, painted stork, white ibis, pelicans, ducks, and various species of parrots and owls.
  • Reptiles: Indian python, king cobra, crocodiles, and various turtles and tortoises.

The Footage

Image by Animals Around The Globe via YouTube

The dramatic footage captures the moment a security guard takes swift action to return the wayward hippo to its habitat safely. 

YouTube video
“Why Zoos Should Have Better Enclosures” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Animals Around The Globe

It’s giving: Madagascar

Madagascar cast. Erwin Soo from Singapore, Singapore, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Gloria is a confident, sassy hippopotamus in DreamWorks’ “Madagascar” series. Voiced by Jada Pinkett Smith, she is one of the four main characters. Gloria is known for her nurturing nature, strength, and playful demeanor, often acting as the voice of reason among her friends.

YouTube video
“Gloria’s Best Moments” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: DreamWorks Madagascar

Fun and Educational Hippo Facts

Hippopotamus (Hippopotamus amphibius) with a Cattle Egret (Bubulcus ibis), Chobe National Park, Botswana. Image via Diego Delso, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The common hippopotamus is scientifically known as Hippopotamus amphibius. Here are a few fun facts about hippos!

Speedy Swimmers

hippo one of the most dangerous animals
Image via Pixabay

Despite their large size, hippos are surprisingly agile in water, moving quickly by pushing off from the riverbed or lake bottom. This method allows them to navigate swiftly in their aquatic environments, which is crucial for escaping predators and covering large areas within their habitat.

Unique “Sunscreen”

hippo one of the most dangerous animals
Image via Pixabay

Hippos produce a reddish, oily secretion that acts as a natural sunscreen and skin moisturizer. This substance, sometimes called “blood sweat,” also has antimicrobial properties, protecting the skin from infections.

Close Relatives

Mother hippo and her calf in water. Image by Gonzalo Gonzales via Unsplash

Hippos may appear more similar to pigs or other hoofed animals, but they are more closely related to whales and dolphins. These marine mammals share a common ancestor with hippos, explaining their semi-aquatic behavior.


Hippo peeping above water. Image by Designerpoint via Pixabay

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Tuesday 7th of November 2023

I don't think the writer of this article did her research very well. Hippo's are the opposite of "excellent swimmers" because they can't swim at all or even float for that matter. Hippo's move through the water by traveling across the bottom or by pushing themselves up from the bottom and bounding forward.


Tuesday 7th of November 2023

Did they build a higher and more secure wall?


Monday 6th of November 2023

That little tap on the snoot is not doing that big guy any harm. If the hippo wanted, he could have snapped that guard in half. Animals communicate through bites, swats, lunges, and demonstrations of intent; The guard is communicating in a way the hippo understands without causing pain or damage. The reaction of the hippo is more in line with a child who has been lightly admonished in play. Before people start with the rage, look at the body language and try to remember the size/power difference. If that animal didn't want to tolerate it, they would charged, or grabbed the offending hand and taken it off. There's a difference between abuse and communication. Working with companion animals that can be hurt by a swat is not the same as a couple tons of crocodile killer.

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