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Dog Brings Home New Raccoon Bestie

dog brings home raccoon
Image VIa Youtube

A dog brings home a new and unexpected bestie: a raccoon.

This adorable friendship duo reminds us that the most beautiful friendships are often born out of differences. There’s a reason why we say that opposites attract.

Read along to watch the video!

A Surprise Guest

Raccoon hiding behind leaves. Image by Joshua J Cotten via Unsplash

The video begins with a description of a dog known for its quirky habit of bringing something back home every time it ventures outside. But this time, the surprise was beyond anyone’s expectations – the dog had befriended a raccoon!

The dog, seemingly proud of its new friend, attempts to introduce the raccoon to the household.

It’s a sight to behold as the dog, with its tail wagging, tries to take the raccoon on a tour around the home. Despite the owner’s reservations about letting the raccoon inside, fearing it might harm her children, the bond between the two animals is undeniable.

The Footage

“This dog surprises his owner again,” Image by KhoVEN via YouTube
YouTube video
“This dog surprises his owner again,” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: KhoVEN

Why Do Dogs Befriend Other Animals?

German Shepard laying on grass
German Shepherd laying in flowers. Image via Depositphotos

Dogs are known for their friendly and sociable nature. They often form bonds with other animals, be it cats, birds, or even raccoons, as seen in this video. Such friendships can be attributed to a dog’s inherent curiosity and their pack mentality.

In the wild, dogs are pack animals, and this instinct remains even in domesticated dogs. They often seek companionship, and if they find an animal they resonate with, they form a bond, irrespective of species.

Safety First: Dealing With Wild Animals

Ugly dog. Image via Depsoitphotos.

While the video showcases a heartwarming bond, it’s essential to approach such situations with caution. Wild animals, especially raccoons, can carry diseases and might not always be friendly.

If your pet befriends a wild animal, like this dog who brings home a raccoon, ensure you monitor their interactions closely. It’s also advisable to consult with a vet or animal expert to ensure the safety of both the pet and the wild animal.

Are Raccoons Suitable as Pets?

Close up portrait of a raccoon in Russia. Image via Depositphotos

Raccoons, with their curious nature and dexterous paws (not to mention their fluffy appearance), might seem like intriguing pets.

Sadly, their wild instincts make domestication challenging. While they can form bonds with humans, raccoons are nocturnal, active, and require ample space. Their intelligence demands constant stimulation, and their mischievous tendencies can lead to household chaos.

Additionally, raccoons can carry diseases like rabies, posing potential health risks. While baby raccoons are undeniably adorable, they grow into complex animals with specific needs. At the end of the day, their best habitat remains the wild.

Raccoons can also be aggressive, as seen in this raccoon attack.

3 Surprising Skills of Raccoons

Raccoon. Image by Gonzalo Guzmán García via Pexels
  • Dexterous Hands: Raccoons have highly sensitive and nimble fingers. They can open jars, turn doorknobs, and even untie knots.
  • Problem-Solving Prowess: Raccoons are intelligent and have demonstrated the ability to remember solutions to tasks for up to three years. They can figure out complex mechanisms, making them adept at getting into “raccoon-proof” containers.
  • Aquatic Abilities: Contrary to popular belief, raccoons are good swimmers. They can catch prey in water and are known to “wash” their food, a behavior that helps them better feel their meal with their sensitive hands.


Ugly dog. Image via Depsoitphotos.

FAQs about Dogs Befriending Raccoons

rabies in raccoons
rabies in raccoons. Image by Pexels

In this article, we explore the heartwarming story of a dog that brings home an unexpected new friend, a raccoon. Here are eight frequently asked questions that delve deeper into this surprising friendship and related topics.

Why Did the Dog Befriend a Raccoon?

Pygmy Raccoon
Pygmy Raccoon. Christoph Moning, CC BY 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Dogs are naturally friendly and curious animals that often seek companionship. This dog’s inherent pack mentality and sociable nature likely led it to form a bond with the raccoon despite their species differences.

Is It Common for Dogs to Befriend Wild Animals?

Raccoon (Procyon lotor) in cumberland Wildpark Grünau, upper Austria. Image via Isiwal/Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 4.0, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

While not extremely common, it is not unheard of for dogs to form bonds with wild animals. Dogs’ curiosity and friendly demeanor can sometimes lead them to make unusual friends, including raccoons, cats, and even birds.

What Should I Do if My Dog Befriends a Wild Animal?

Close up portrait of a raccoon in Russia. Image via Depositphotos

If your dog befriends a wild animal, monitor their interactions closely to ensure safety. Consulting with a vet or animal expert is advisable to check for potential health risks and ensure the well-being of both the pet and the wild animal.

Are Raccoons Suitable as Pets?

Image by Alexa via Pixabay

Raccoons are not suitable as pets due to their wild instincts, nocturnal nature, and need for ample space and stimulation. They can also carry diseases like rabies, making them a potential health risk.

How Do Raccoons Exhibit Their Intelligence?

Raccoon resting its head on a trre trunk. Image by Chalo Garcia via Unsplash.

Raccoons demonstrate intelligence through their dexterous hands and problem-solving abilities. They can open jars, turn doorknobs, and remember solutions to tasks for up to three years, showcasing their remarkable cognitive skills.

What Are the Risks of Allowing Wild Animals Inside the Home?

Raccoon sniffing around. Image by Henry Dinardo via Unsplash.

Allowing wild animals inside the home can pose health risks due to potential diseases they may carry. Additionally, wild animals may exhibit unpredictable behavior, which could be harmful to both humans and pets.

Why Is It Important to Approach Wild Animal Friendships with Caution?

Raccoon hiding behind leaves. Image by Joshua J. Cotten via Unsplash

Approaching wild animal friendships with caution is important because wild animals can carry diseases and may not always be friendly. Ensuring safety through monitoring and expert consultation helps protect both the pet and the wild animal.

What Are Some Unique Skills of Raccoons?

raccoon in trash can
By Rhododendrites – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Raccoons possess unique skills such as dexterous hands that can open complex mechanisms, strong problem-solving abilities, and adept swimming capabilities. These skills help them thrive in various environments and showcase their adaptability.

Facts about Raccoons

By California Department of Water Resources – California Department of Water Resources, Public Domain,

Raccoons are fascinating creatures known for their distinctive masked faces and dexterous front paws. Here are five interesting facts about these nocturnal animals:

1. Highly Adaptable Diet

Racoon looking for food
Raccoon looking for food in trash can. Image via Depositphotos

Raccoons are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Their diet includes fruits, nuts, insects, small animals, and human leftovers, allowing them to thrive in diverse environments.

2. Excellent Problem Solvers

Man Rescues Raccoon from Lake
Image via Pexels

Raccoons have remarkable problem-solving abilities and can remember solutions to tasks for at least three years. Their intelligence helps them navigate urban areas, open containers, and find food.

3. Dexterous Front Paws

Raccoon (Procyon lotor), also known as the North American raccoon. Image via Depositphotos

Raccoons have highly sensitive and nimble front paws, similar to human hands. This dexterity allows them to manipulate objects, open jars, and even untie knots.

4. Unique Communication

rabies in raccoons
rabies in raccoons. Image by Pexels

Raccoons communicate through a variety of vocalizations, including purrs, growls, and screams. They also use body language and facial expressions to convey messages to other raccoons.

5. Solitary and Social Behavior

Image via Unsplash

While raccoons are generally solitary animals, they can also exhibit social behavior, especially during the breeding season or in urban settings. Mothers stay with their young for about a year, teaching them essential survival skills.

Thank you for reading this article about the dog that brings home a new raccoon bestie! If you’re ready for another cuteness overload, take a look at these posts:

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Robin McCoy

Friday 22nd of September 2023

Raccoons can make affectionate loving pets. They need to wet their food because they don't have saliva glands. Yes, they can cause mischief, but you'll lol a lot too. Hey it's shots, put a break away collar on it for tags and I agree, dont cage it. Just put it outside with food and water @ even a dog house for shelter till you can get back home and enjoy time together. Mine loved car rides,feeder fish in kiddie pool,@ marshmallows...


Saturday 19th of August 2023

As one person who has had the chance to experience having a pet raccoon ( not once, but twice) they are an awesome animal. When I had them, it wasn't against the law to have them. So, check the laws, bring it to a vet and get its shots. Don't cage it. And when time comes that it has to leave,( mating and other stuff) let it go. If they come back, then they truly love you. Oh,give it 3-4 weeks.


Friday 18th of August 2023

The raccoon actually has to be careful around people. People are the real pest. The real diseases come from humans

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