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Tiger, Bear, and Lion Live Together As Friends

the BLT trio
Image by Noah's Arc Sanctuary

In an extraordinary tale of friendship, a playful African lion, a majestic Bengal tiger, and a gentle American bear have lived together harmoniously for over a decade. This incredible bond, formed under the most unlikely circumstances, has captured the hearts of many, earning them the affectionate nickname: the BLT trio.

the BLT trio
Image by Noah’s Arc Sanctuary

A Fateful Beginning

captive lion cubs
Young lions in a cage. Image by Andov via Depositphotos

Their story began in 2001 during a drug raid in Atlanta. In the basement, police discovered three animals – a bear, a lion, and a tiger – kept in deplorable conditions. The young cubs were malnourished, frightened, and infested with parasites. 

The bars of the lion’s cramped cage dug into its mouth, and the American black bear wore a harness embedded so deeply into its flesh that surgeons had to remove it. This surgery was the only time anyone separated the trio, and it visibly distressed the tiger and lion.

A New Home at Noah’s Ark Sanctuary

male lions okavango
Lions in the Okavango Delta. Hp.Baumeler, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

The Georgia Department of Natural Resources rescued the three cubs and brought them to Noah’s Ark Sanctuary (NAAS) for urgent medical care. They made a full recovery and found a permanent home at the sanctuary. The American bear, Baloo, and the Bengal tiger, Shere Khan, were named after characters from “The Jungle Book.” The African lion, due to a prior operation, is called Leo. They became known as the BLT – Bear, Lion, and Tiger.

An Inseparable Bond

the BLT trio
Image by Noah’s Arc Sanctuary

Despite their evident differences, the trio preferred each other’s company. They ate, slept, and played together, seeking grooming and affection from one another. Shere Khan, the mischievous tiger, was always up for playful antics, often pouncing on Baloo and Leo. Leo, the lion, though usually lethargic, was always ready for playtime. Baloo, the confident and relaxed bear, mirrored his fictional counterpart’s demeanor.

The sanctuary reported that their traumatic early months bonded the three, making them inseparable. Their bond was so strong that when Leo passed away in August 2016. Due to an inoperable mass in his liver, Baloo was seen rubbing and licking a statue on Leo’s grave. Reminiscent of the many years they spent together.

Celebrating the BLT Trio

Tiger, Bear and Lion Live Together As Friends – Best of “The BLT” Trio, Image by Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary via Youtube,
YouTube video
Tiger, Bear and Lion Live Together As Friends – Best of “The BLT” Trio, Source: Youtube, Uploaded: Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary

The BLT trio’s story is a testament to the power of friendship and the ability to find family in the most unexpected places. 

Their bond, formed under challenging circumstances, is a heartwarming reminder that love knows no boundaries, not even species. 

Their tale is about their unique friendship and resilience, recovery, and the incredible care provided by sanctuaries like NAAS.

Facts about Tiger

Tiger. Image via Depositphotos.

Tigers are one of the most fascinating and majestic creatures on the planet. These big cats are not only powerful predators but also possess unique characteristics that set them apart from other animals.

Stripes as Unique Identifiers

Tiger. Image via Depositphotos.

Each tiger has a unique pattern of stripes, much like human fingerprints. These stripes help tigers camouflage in their natural habitat, making it easier for them to stalk and ambush prey.

Solitary Nature

Tiger. Image via Depositphotos.

Tigers are predominantly solitary animals, unlike many other big cats that prefer to live in groups. They establish large territories and are highly territorial, often marking their range with scent marks and scratches on trees.

Powerful Swimmers

Tiger hidden in lake grass
Tiger hidden in lake grass. Image via Depositphotos.

Unlike most other big cats, tigers are excellent swimmers and enjoy being in the water. They can swim for several kilometers to hunt or cross rivers, and cooling off in water helps them regulate their body temperature.

Roaring Communication

Tiger from Asia. Image via Depositphotos.

A tiger’s roar can be heard up to 3 kilometers (1.8 miles) away. This powerful roar is used to communicate with other tigers, establish territory, and attract mates during the breeding season.

Facts about Bear

Eurasian brown bear. Image via Depositphotos

Bears are fascinating creatures with unique behaviors and characteristics. Here are four intriguing facts about these remarkable animals.

Bears’ Hibernation Habits

Eurasian brown bear. Image via Depositphotos

Bears go into hibernation during the winter months to conserve energy when food is scarce. During this period, their metabolism slows down significantly, and they can survive without eating or drinking for months.

Diverse Diet

Eurasian brown bear and cubs
Close up of female Eurasian brown bear (Ursos arctos) and her cubs in boreal forest, Finland. Image via Depositphotos

Bears are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and animals. Their diet can range from berries and nuts to fish and small mammals, depending on the season and availability of food.

Excellent Swimmers

Grizzly bear cubs
Grizzly bear cubs playing in a field of flowers. Image via Depositphotos

Bears are strong swimmers and can cover long distances in water. This ability helps them hunt for fish, travel between islands, and escape from predators.

Keen Sense of Smell

Grizzly bear cubs
Grizzly bear cub in a field of flowers. Image via Depositphotos

Bears have an exceptional sense of smell, which is estimated to be seven times stronger than that of a bloodhound. This keen sense allows them to detect food, mates, and potential dangers from miles away.

Lion: The King of the Jungle

Lion India. Image via Depositphotos.

Despite often being referred to as the “King of the Jungle,” lions primarily inhabit savannas and grasslands. These majestic creatures are renowned for their strength, social structure, and distinctive roar.

Powerful Predators

Asiatic Lion, Panthera leo persica, walking in the forest at Gir National Park Gujarat, India. Lion India Image via Depositphotos.

Lions are apex predators, sitting at the top of the food chain. They primarily hunt large herbivores like zebras, wildebeests, and buffaloes, relying on their strength and teamwork to take down prey.

Social Structure

A magnificent powerful lion in the middle of the desert. Lion India Image via Depositphotos.

Lions live in groups called prides, which typically consist of up to three males, a dozen or more females, and their young. This social structure allows them to defend territory, hunt cooperatively, and care for their young effectively.

Vocal Roar

lion roaring
Lion letting out a roar. Yathin S Krishnappa, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

A lion’s roar can be heard up to five miles away, making it the loudest roar of any big cat. This powerful vocalization helps lions communicate with pride members and establish territory.

Unique Appearance

Lion. Image via Depositphotos.

Lions are easily recognizable by their manes, which vary in color and size. Male lions’ manes serve as a display of strength and health, with darker and fuller manes being more attractive to females.

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Monday 11th of September 2023

Wonderful, heartwarming story. Sorry to hear that Leo the lion is gone.


Monday 11th of September 2023

Learn the horror truth behind this and the horrible conditions the last one left (bear) suffered. Facebook: Save Noah's Ark


Thursday 7th of September 2023

Beautiful friendship! Thank you for rescuing them. I wish the best for the trio BLT and the people who rescue them.


Monday 11th of September 2023

@Lenny, Only the bear is still alive. This story is years old. Noah's Ark fell from a crooked board of directors. The whole story is on fb Save Noah's Ark. Many animals were killed deliberately, many suffered worse than that. The two who started this once beautiful place? One died and his wife kicked from her property and Noah's Ark. Unfortunately the couple trust horrible people. The vet that gave 15yrs of free service was fired, food spoiled. It's been bad


Wednesday 6th of September 2023

Lions, tigers and bears, oh my!! A beautiful sight indeed. Thank you!!

Wednesday 6th of September 2023

@Lerch, Hi there!! I also thought the same things...Lions, Tigers and Bears!! Remember, Wizard of Oz??

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