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Black Bear Relaxes in Hot Tub

bear hot tub
Bear in a Hot Tub. Image by Lenny Widener via YouTube

From a cabin in the woods, where nature often surprises us with its unpredictable antics, a recent video has captured a rather unusual sight: a big black bear relaxing in a hot tub!

An Unexpected Guest

The video starts with the bear approaching the deck, curious about its surroundings. The homeowner, watching from a safe distance, captures this unusual scene on camera.

Ahh – relaxing!

“Bear in a Hot Tub” Source: YouTube, Uploaded: Lenny Widener

A Gentle Reminder

While seeing a bear enjoying a hot tub is undoubtedly amusing. It’s essential to remember the importance of safety when encountering wildlife. The human wisely chose to observe from a distance, ensuring their safety and that of the bear.


Thanks for watching!

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