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83-Year-Old Woman Severely Gored by a Bison in Yellowstone National Park

Woman Gored by a Bison
Images through Depositphotos and edited by Linnea.

In a shocking incident, an 83-year-old woman was severely injured after being gored by a bison at Yellowstone National Park. The woman, a visitor from Greenville, South Carolina, was attacked while exploring the park’s Storm Point Trail near Yellowstone Lake on June 1, 2024.

The Incident on Storm Point Trail

Bison. Image by ViralHog via YouTube

The woman was visiting Yellowstone National Park when she encountered a bison that came within a few feet of her. The bison lifted her about a foot off the ground with its horns, resulting in serious injuries.

Emergency Response and Medical Care

American Bison
American Bison and calf in Yellowstone National Park. Image via Arturo de Frias Marques, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Park emergency responders quickly transported the injured woman to the Lake Medical Clinic. From there, she was flown by helicopter to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center for further treatment.

Bison Behavior and Space Defense

Image via Unsplash

Officials noted that the bison was seemingly “defending its space” during the incident. Bison are known to be protective and can become aggressive when they feel threatened or approached too closely.

Advice for Park Visitors

Buffalo bison calf on green pasture
Buffalo bison calf on green pasture Image by krisrobin via Depositphotos

The National Park Service advises visitors to maintain a safe distance from wildlife, especially large animals like bison, elk, and moose. Visitors should stay more than 25 yards away from these animals to avoid similar incidents.

Previous Incidents Involving Bison

Bison taking a break. Image by mike-beaumont Via unsplash

Bison encounters at Yellowstone have resulted in more injuries than encounters with any other animal. These incidents highlight the need for visitors to respect wildlife and adhere to safety guidelines.

Unpredictable Nature of Bison

Image by OndrejProsicky via Depositphotos

Despite not being inherently aggressive, bison can be unpredictable and will defend their space when they feel threatened. They are capable of running three times faster than humans, making close encounters dangerous.

Location of the Attack

Image by Jonathan Mast via Unsplash

The incident occurred near the Storm Point Trail at Yellowstone Lake, a popular area for hiking and wildlife viewing. This location underscores the importance of vigilance and caution when near wildlife habitats.

Safety Regulations for Viewing Wildlife

Despite their massive size, bison can run at speeds of up to 35 miles per hour.

The National Park Service emphasizes that visitors should view wildlife from a safe distance and respect all safety regulations. Approaching too closely can provoke defensive reactions from animals like bison.

Injuries Sustained by the Woman

European bison

The woman suffered serious injuries from the bison attack, though officials have not disclosed specific details about her condition. The severity of the injuries required immediate medical evacuation and treatment.

Helicopter Evacuation to Regional Medical Center

Due to the serious nature of her injuries, the woman was airlifted by helicopter to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center. This rapid response was crucial in providing the necessary medical care.

Role of Park Emergency Responders

Big old bison in nature.
Big old bison in nature. Image by fotoluxstudio via Depositphotos

Park emergency responders played a vital role in stabilizing and transporting the injured woman. Their quick actions ensured that she received prompt medical attention.

Importance of Respecting Wildlife

Adult female American bison and 1 week- and 1 month-old calves at the Prioksko-terrasny biosphere reserve, Russia. Image by oksanavg via Depositphotos

The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting wildlife and maintaining a safe distance. Visitors are responsible for their safety and must follow park guidelines to prevent similar occurrences.

Public Awareness and Education

wood bison
Wood bison bull. Arthur T. LaBar from Central Kentucky, USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Yellowstone National Park officials continue to educate the public about the risks associated with wildlife encounters. Increased awareness and adherence to safety measures can help reduce the number of incidents involving animals like bison.

What Should You Do if You Encounter a Bison?

European bison (Bison bonasus)

If you encounter a bison, move away slowly and do not approach it. Maintain a safe distance of more than 25 yards and avoid any actions that could be perceived as threatening by the animal.

How Did the Bison Attack the Woman?

They once roamed in vast herds numbering in the millions across the Great Plains. Image viaJack Dykinga, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

The bison attacked by lifting the woman about a foot off the ground with its horns when she came too close. This defensive behavior is typical of bison when they feel their space is invaded.

What Is the Current Condition of the Injured Woman?

Bison and its herd
American Bison forming a large group during breeding season. Image Via

The woman suffered serious injuries and was transported to Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center for treatment. Specific details about her current condition have not been disclosed by officials.

Why Are Bison Considered Dangerous?

Image by Nick Dunlap via Unsplash

Bison are considered dangerous due to their unpredictable nature and defensive behavior when approached too closely. They can run three times faster than humans and can react aggressively if they feel threatened.

How Can Visitors Stay Safe Around Bison in Yellowstone?

American Bison grazing in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming. Image via depositphotos

Visitors should stay more than 25 yards away from bison and other large animals. It is essential to respect safety regulations, avoid approaching wildlife, and observe them from a safe distance to prevent incidents.

What Are the Guidelines for Viewing Wildlife at Yellowstone?

Bison via Unsplash

Yellowstone’s guidelines advise maintaining a distance of more than 25 yards from large animals like bison and 100 yards from bears and wolves. Visitors should follow these guidelines to ensure their safety and the safety of the wildlife.

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